fairkom gitlab

The swiss knife for agile teams' projects with:
git file repository, issue tracker, kanban board and wiki.

This is a service for fairkom members, customers and partners.

Order now your gitlab group (up to 25 projects/subgroups, up to 200 users). Ask for a free group if you are a sustainability initiative developing Free Software.
Or Pay What You Can for up to 5 projects in your personal namespace (max 20 MB, max 5 team members, fair use, no hard limits). Free tier suspended due to massive spam attacks.
Contact sales@fairkom.eu - we'll match your team requirements.

git version control is supported with ssh port 22 and https on port 443. Put your public key in your settings for git via ssh or set a password first in gitlab if you use https, which you will be asked during authentication.

gitlab pages available with subdomain yourpage.fairpage.net

gitlab registry available

fairlogin ID only

fairkom gitlab